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Network Development for Learning and System Improvement, Change and Impact


Developing Networks for Learning, Collaboration and Impact

Learn about how we have supported Networks

Revenue Growth

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Infographics Leap

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Marketing Management

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Network Development for Learning and System Improvement, Change and Impact draws on our two areas of work below and brings them together to support the development, establishment and organization of networks for both learning and advocacy


Networks can be sites of learning and support or a chance to collaborate further for impact through either project development or advocacy.  However how a group is structured, who it includes and what goals and objectives it strives for need to be clearly determined for the network as an entity and the members within.  We support with this development process to ensure your network starts off on the right track and makes the most of its capacity and capabilities.

The benefits of our support

Develop network goals, structures and processes to get the most out of your network members capacity and capabilities

We facilitate the strategic development of networks which allow for network members to be guided through a co-design network development process

Build capabilities within your organisation to build the capacity and capabilities of your members

Merge facilitation with capacity building to ensure the sustainable building of your networks resources (i.e, its members)

Bring together collaborators and key stakeholders to support learning and advocacy

Utilise our experience in knowledge needs and gap analysis, knowledge brokering, stakeholder mapping and analysis and system advocacy

Infographics Content

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Media Promotion

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Penalty Recovery

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Reporting & Analysis

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How we support you

Developing Networks for Learning, Collaboration and Impact

What we do


Learn about how we have supported Networks