About the Knowledge Brokering Group
The Knowledge Brokering Group was founded on the principle that people and knowledge, gained through research, practice or experience, are the key factors to success in any project or program, policy or initiative, organisation or product.
Our Services and Initiatives align to the following of our organisations objectives, which are:
• To promote the potential of Knowledge Brokering, Knowledge Transfer and Exchange, Knowledge Translation and Knowledge Mobilisation.
• To develop, pilot and deliver new Knowledge Brokering Initiatives and Platforms.
• To support sectors, organisations, communities and individuals to develop their capacity, capabilities and skills in all areas of Knowledge Brokering.
• To collate literature, case studies and resources about Knowledge Brokering, Knowledge Transfer and Exchange, Knowledge Translation and Knowledge Mobilisation in Australia and internationally to support the development of the field across a range of sectors.
Why Knowledge Brokering?
Knowledge is a valuable resource produced by people through inquiry or experience and can be gained in many ways and contexts. It may be research or evidence produced by an academic, or expertise and know how gained by a community worker running a local program. It may be that many people over many years have built on collective knowledge in a particular industry, to develop innovative ideas, approaches and products.
There is a great deal of knowledge produced, but how aware are individuals, organisations or sectors of others’ knowledge? How well is knowledge shared, used or co-produced? Knowledge tends to exist in localised pockets, which limits its full potential and value.
“Knowledge brokering is a way to identify, exchange, share and co-produce knowledge across domains, utilising knowledge to its full potential and extracting its full value."
Our People
The main asset of the Knowledge Brokering Group is its brokers: dedicated professionals with years of experience in their respective fields in generating, sharing and using expert knowledge.